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关于用C语言编写的用于互联网计算机的项目实例,见C++ 事例项目






计算器 - 简单功能




















* Module :
* Description : Hexadecimal encoding and decoding routines.
* Copyright : 2020 Enzo Haussecker
* License : Apache 2.0 with LLVM Exception
* Maintainer : Enzo Haussecker <>
* Stability : Stable
import Array "mo:base/Array";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
import Option "mo:base/Option";
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
import Char "mo:base/Char";
import Result "mo:base/Result";
module {
private type Result<Ok, Err> = Result.Result<Ok, Err>;
private let base : Nat8 = 0x10;
private let symbols = [
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
'8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F',
* Define a type to indicate that the decoder has failed.
public type DecodeError = {
#msg : Text;
* Encode an array of unsigned 8-bit integers in hexadecimal format.
public func encode(array : [Nat8]) : Text {
Array.foldLeft<Nat8, Text>(array, "", func (accum, w8) {
accum # encodeW8(w8);
* Encode an unsigned 8-bit integer in hexadecimal format.
private func encodeW8(w8 : Nat8) : Text {
let c1 = symbols[Nat8.toNat(w8 / base)];
let c2 = symbols[Nat8.toNat(w8 % base)];
Char.toText(c1) # Char.toText(c2);
* Decode an array of unsigned 8-bit integers in hexadecimal format.
public func decode(text : Text) : Result<[Nat8], DecodeError> {
let next = text.chars().next;
func parse() : Result<Nat8, DecodeError> {
Option.get<Result<Nat8, DecodeError>>(
do ? {
let c1 = next()!;
let c2 = next()!;
Result.chain<Nat8, Nat8, DecodeError>(decodeW4(c1), func (x1) {
Result.chain<Nat8, Nat8, DecodeError>(decodeW4(c2), func (x2) {
#ok (x1 * base + x2);
#err (#msg "Not enough input!"),
var i = 0;
let n = text.size() / 2 + text.size() % 2;
let array = Array.init<Nat8>(n, 0);
while (i != n) {
switch (parse()) {
case (#ok w8) {
array[i] := w8;
i += 1;
case (#err err) {
return #err err;
#ok (Array.freeze<Nat8>(array));
* Decode an unsigned 4-bit integer in hexadecimal format.
private func decodeW4(char : Char) : Result<Nat8, DecodeError> {
for (i in Iter.range(0, 15)) {
if (symbols[i] == char) {
return #ok (Nat8.fromNat(i));
let str = "Unexpected character: " # Char.toText(char);
#err (#msg str);

GF(256) 中的多项式长除法#

该程序对 Galois 域 GF(256) 元素执行多项式长除法。


除了标准库之外,该项目还使用了两个主要的 Motoko 源代码文件。



* Module :
* Copyright : 2020 DFINITY Stiftung
* License : Apache 2.0 with LLVM Exception
* Maintainer : Enzo Haussecker <>
* Stability : Stable
import Array "mo:base/Array";
import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
import List "mo:base/List";
import Nat "Nat";
import Prelude "mo:base/Prelude";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
import Util "Util"
module {
type List<T> = List.List<T>;
public let logs = [
000, 001, 025, 002, 050, 026, 198, 003, 223, 051,
238, 027, 104, 199, 075, 004, 100, 224, 014, 052,
141, 239, 129, 028, 193, 105, 248, 200, 008, 076,
113, 005, 138, 101, 047, 225, 036, 015, 033, 053,
147, 142, 218, 240, 018, 130, 069, 029, 181, 194,
125, 106, 039, 249, 185, 201, 154, 009, 120, 077,
228, 114, 166, 006, 191, 139, 098, 102, 221, 048,
253, 226, 152, 037, 179, 016, 145, 034, 136, 054,
208, 148, 206, 143, 150, 219, 189, 241, 210, 019,
092, 131, 056, 070, 064, 030, 066, 182, 163, 195,
072, 126, 110, 107, 058, 040, 084, 250, 133, 186,
061, 202, 094, 155, 159, 010, 021, 121, 043, 078,
212, 229, 172, 115, 243, 167, 087, 007, 112, 192,
247, 140, 128, 099, 013, 103, 074, 222, 237, 049,
197, 254, 024, 227, 165, 153, 119, 038, 184, 180,
124, 017, 068, 146, 217, 035, 032, 137, 046, 055,
063, 209, 091, 149, 188, 207, 205, 144, 135, 151,
178, 220, 252, 190, 097, 242, 086, 211, 171, 020,
042, 093, 158, 132, 060, 057, 083, 071, 109, 065,
162, 031, 045, 067, 216, 183, 123, 164, 118, 196,
023, 073, 236, 127, 012, 111, 246, 108, 161, 059,
082, 041, 157, 085, 170, 251, 096, 134, 177, 187,
204, 062, 090, 203, 089, 095, 176, 156, 169, 160,
081, 011, 245, 022, 235, 122, 117, 044, 215, 079,
174, 213, 233, 230, 231, 173, 232, 116, 214, 244,
234, 168, 080, 088, 175
public func log(n : Nat) : Nat {
let m = n % 256;
if (m == 0) {
Debug.print("Error: Logarithm of zero is undefined in GF(256)!");
logs[m - 1]
public let alogs = [
001, 002, 004, 008, 016, 032, 064, 128, 029, 058,
116, 232, 205, 135, 019, 038, 076, 152, 045, 090,
180, 117, 234, 201, 143, 003, 006, 012, 024, 048,
096, 192, 157, 039, 078, 156, 037, 074, 148, 053,
106, 212, 181, 119, 238, 193, 159, 035, 070, 140,
005, 010, 020, 040, 080, 160, 093, 186, 105, 210,
185, 111, 222, 161, 095, 190, 097, 194, 153, 047,
094, 188, 101, 202, 137, 015, 030, 060, 120, 240,
253, 231, 211, 187, 107, 214, 177, 127, 254, 225,
223, 163, 091, 182, 113, 226, 217, 175, 067, 134,
017, 034, 068, 136, 013, 026, 052, 104, 208, 189,
103, 206, 129, 031, 062, 124, 248, 237, 199, 147,
059, 118, 236, 197, 151, 051, 102, 204, 133, 023,
046, 092, 184, 109, 218, 169, 079, 158, 033, 066,
132, 021, 042, 084, 168, 077, 154, 041, 082, 164,
085, 170, 073, 146, 057, 114, 228, 213, 183, 115,
230, 209, 191, 099, 198, 145, 063, 126, 252, 229,
215, 179, 123, 246, 241, 255, 227, 219, 171, 075,
150, 049, 098, 196, 149, 055, 110, 220, 165, 087,
174, 065, 130, 025, 050, 100, 200, 141, 007, 014,
028, 056, 112, 224, 221, 167, 083, 166, 081, 162,
089, 178, 121, 242, 249, 239, 195, 155, 043, 086,
172, 069, 138, 009, 018, 036, 072, 144, 061, 122,
244, 245, 247, 243, 251, 235, 203, 139, 011, 022,
044, 088, 176, 125, 250, 233, 207, 131, 027, 054,
108, 216, 173, 071, 142
public func alog(n : Nat) : Nat {
let m = n % 256;
if (m == 255) {
Debug.print("Error: Antilogarithm of 255 is undefined in GF(256)!");
public type Elem = { unbox : Nat };
public func elemNew(n : Nat) : Elem {
{ unbox = n % 256 }
public func elemShow(elem : Elem) : Text {
public func elemToBit(elem : Elem) : Bool {
elem.unbox > 0
public func elemFromBit(bit : Bool) : Elem {
if bit {
{ unbox = 1 }
} else {
{ unbox = 0 }
public func elemToBits(elem : Elem) : List<Bool> {
Util.padLeftTo(8, Nat.natToBits(elem.unbox))
public func elemFromBits(bits : List<Bool>) : Elem {
public func elemEq(elem1 : Elem, elem2 : Elem) : Bool {
elem1.unbox == elem2.unbox
public func elemAdd(elem1 : Elem, elem2 : Elem) : Elem {
{ unbox = Nat.natXor(elem1.unbox, elem2.unbox) }
public func elemSub(elem1 : Elem, elem2 : Elem) : Elem {
elemAdd(elem1, elem2)
public func elemMul(elem1 : Elem, elem2 : Elem) : Elem {
switch (elem1.unbox, elem2.unbox) {
case (0, _) { elem1 };
case (_, 0) { elem2 };
case (a, b) {
{ unbox = alog((log(a) + log(b)) % 255) }
public func elemDiv(elem1 : Elem, elem2 : Elem) : Elem {
switch (elem1.unbox, elem2.unbox) {
case (_, 0) {
Debug.print("Error: Division by zero is undefined in GF(256)!");
case (0, _) {
{ unbox = 0 }
case (a, b) {
{ unbox = alog((255 + log(a) - log(b)) % 255) }
public func elemDivMod(elem1 : Elem, elem2 : Elem) : (Elem, Elem) {
let elem3 = elemDiv(elem1, elem2);
(elem3, elemSub(elem1, elem3))
public type Poly = { unbox : List<Elem> };
public func polyNew(coeffs : [Nat]) : Poly {
func step(n : Nat, accum : List<Elem>) : List<Elem> {
List.push<Elem>(elemNew(n), accum)
let base = List.nil<Elem>();
{ unbox = Array.foldRight<Nat, List<Elem>>(coeffs, base, step) }
public func polyShow(poly : Poly) : Text {
switch (List.pop<Elem>(poly.unbox)) {
case (null, _) { "[]" };
case (?head, tail) {
let base = elemShow(head);
func step(accum : Text, elem : Elem) : Text {
accum # "," # elemShow(elem)
"[" # List.foldLeft<Elem, Text>(tail, base, step) # "]"
public func polyToBits(poly : Poly) : List<Bool> {<Elem, Bool>(poly.unbox, elemToBit)
public func polyFromBits(bits : List<Bool>) : Poly {
{ unbox =<Bool, Elem>(bits, elemFromBit) }
public func polyLen(poly : Poly) : Nat {
public func polyTrim(poly : Poly) : Poly {
func go(elems : List<Elem>) : List<Elem> {
switch (List.pop<Elem>(elems)) {
case (?{ unbox = 0 }, tail) { go(tail) };
case _ { elems }
{ unbox = go(poly.unbox) }
public func polyOrder(poly : Poly) : Int {
Int.abs(polyLen(polyTrim(poly))) - 1
public func polyLeadCoeff(poly : Poly) : Elem {
switch (List.pop<Elem>(polyTrim(poly).unbox).0) {
case (?elem) { elem };
case (null) {
{ unbox = 0 }
public func polyPadLeft(n : Nat, poly : Poly) : Poly {
let zeros = List.replicate<Elem>(n, { unbox = 0 });
{ unbox = List.append<Elem>(zeros, poly.unbox) }
public func polyPadRight(n : Nat, poly : Poly) : Poly {
let zeros = List.replicate<Elem>(n, { unbox = 0 });
{ unbox = List.append<Elem>(poly.unbox, zeros) }
public func polyGrow(to : Nat, poly : Poly) : Poly {
let from = polyLen(poly);
if (to > from) {
polyPadLeft(to - from, poly)
} else poly
public func polyZipWith(
poly1 : Poly,
poly2 : Poly,
f : (Elem, Elem) -> Elem
) : Poly {
let n1 = polyLen(poly1);
let n2 = polyLen(poly2);
let to = if (n1 > n2) n1 else n2;
{ unbox = List.zipWith<Elem, Elem, Elem>(
polyGrow(to, poly1).unbox,
polyGrow(to, poly2).unbox,
) }
public func polyEq(poly1 : Poly, poly2 : Poly) : Bool {
List.equal<Elem>(polyTrim(poly1).unbox, polyTrim(poly2).unbox, elemEq)
public func polyAdd(poly1 : Poly, poly2 : Poly) : Poly {
polyZipWith(poly1, poly2, elemAdd)
public func polySub(poly1 : Poly, poly2 : Poly) : Poly {
polyAdd(poly1, poly2)
public func polyScale(alpha : Elem, poly : Poly) : Poly {
func scale(elem : Elem) : Elem = elemMul(alpha, elem);
{ unbox =<Elem, Elem>(poly.unbox, scale) }
public type Term = { coeff : Elem; order : Int };
public func polyAddTerm(poly : Poly, term : Term) : Poly {
let n = if (term.order <= 0) 0 else Int.abs(term.order);
polyAdd(poly, polyPadRight(n, polyNew([term.coeff.unbox])))
public func polyMulTerm(poly : Poly, term : Term) : Poly {
let n = if (term.order <= 0) 0 else Int.abs(term.order);
polyScale(term.coeff, polyPadRight(n, poly))
public func polyDivMod(poly1 : Poly, poly2 : Poly) : (Poly, Poly) {
let divisorLeadCoeff = polyLeadCoeff(poly2);
let divisorOrder = polyOrder(poly2);
func go(currentDividend : Poly, currentDivisor : Poly) : (Poly, Poly) {
let currentOrder = polyOrder(currentDividend) - divisorOrder;
if (currentOrder < 0) {
(currentDivisor, currentDividend)
} else {
let currentDividendLeadCoeff = polyLeadCoeff(currentDividend);
let currentCoeff = elemDiv(currentDividendLeadCoeff, divisorLeadCoeff);
let currentTerm = { coeff = currentCoeff; order = currentOrder };
let currentQuotient = polyMulTerm(poly2, currentTerm);
let nextDividend = polySub(currentQuotient, currentDividend);
let nextDivisor = polyAddTerm(currentDivisor, currentTerm);
go(nextDividend, nextDivisor)
go(poly1, polyNew([]))

* Module :
* Copyright : 2019 Enzo Haussecker
* License : Apache 2.0 with LLVM Exception
* Maintainer : Enzo Haussecker <>
* Stability : Experimental
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
import List "mo:base/List";
module NatUtil {
type List<T> = List.List<T>;
public func natNot(a : Nat) : Nat {
natMap(a, func (x) { ^ x })
public func natAnd(a : Nat, b : Nat) : Nat {
natZipWith(a, b, func (x, y) { x & y })
public func natOr(a : Nat, b : Nat) : Nat {
natZipWith(a, b, func (x, y) { x | y })
public func natXor(a : Nat, b : Nat) : Nat {
natZipWith(a, b, func (x, y) { x ^ y })
public func natMap(a : Nat, f : Nat8 -> Nat8) : Nat {
natFromBytes(<Nat8, Nat8>(natToBytes(a), f))
public func natZipWith(a : Nat, b : Nat, f : (Nat8, Nat8) -> Nat8) : Nat {
var xs = natToBytes(a);
var ys = natToBytes(b);
let xsLen = List.size<Nat8>(xs);
let ysLen = List.size<Nat8>(ys);
if (xsLen < ysLen) {
xs := List.append<Nat8>(List.replicate<Nat8>(ysLen - xsLen, 0), xs);
if (xsLen > ysLen) {
ys := List.append<Nat8>(List.replicate<Nat8>(xsLen - ysLen, 0), xs);
let zs = List.zipWith<Nat8, Nat8, Nat8>(xs, ys, f);
let c = natFromBytes(zs);
public func natToBytes(n : Nat) : List<Nat8> {
var a = 0;
var b = n;
var bytes = List.nil<Nat8>();
var test = true;
while test {
a := b % 256;
b := b / 256;
bytes := List.push<Nat8>(Nat8.fromNat(a), bytes);
test := b > 0;
public func natFromBytes(bytes : List<Nat8>) : Nat {
var n = 0;
var i = 0;
List.foldRight<Nat8, ()>(bytes, (), func (byte, _) {
n += Nat8.toNat(byte) * 256 ** i;
i += 1;
public func natToBits(n : Nat) : List<Bool> {
var a = 0;
var b = n;
var bits = List.nil<Bool>();
var test = true;
while test {
a := b % 2;
b := b / 2;
bits := List.push<Bool>(a == 1, bits);
test := b > 0;
public func natFromBits(bits : List<Bool>) : Nat {
var n = 0;
var i = 0;
List.foldRight<Bool, ()>(bits, (), func (test, _) {
if test { n += 2 ** i };
i += 1;