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本文档解释了 Cargo 的配置系统如何工作,以及可用的密钥或配置。有关通过其清单配置包的信息,请参阅清单格式。


Cargo 允许对特定包进行本地配置以及全局配置。它在当前目录和所有父目录中查找配置文件。例如,如果 Cargo 在 中被调用 /projects/foo/bar/baz,那么将按此顺序探测并统一以下配置文件:

$CARGO_HOME/config.toml which defaults to:
Windows %USERPROFILE%\.cargo\config.toml
Unix: $HOME/.cargo/config.toml


如果在多个配置文件中指定了一个键,这些值将合并在一起。数字、字符串和布尔值将使用更深层次的 config 目录中的值,优先于祖先目录,其中主目录的优先级最低。数组将连接在一起。

注意: Cargo 也会读取没有.toml扩展名的配置文件,例如 .cargo/config. .toml1.39 版中添加了对扩展的支持,并且是首选形式。如果两个文件都存在,Cargo 将使用没有扩展名的文件。


  • 配置文件以TOML 格式(如清单)编写,在节(表)内具有简单的键值对。以下是所有设置的快速概览,详细说明如下:
paths = ["/path/to/override"] # path dependency overrides
[alias] # command aliases
b = "build"
c = "check"
t = "test"
r = "run"
rr = "run --release"
space_example = ["run", "--release", "--", "\"command list\""]
jobs = 1 # number of parallel jobs, defaults to # of CPUs
rustc = "rustc" # the rust compiler tool
rustc-wrapper = "…" # run this wrapper instead of `rustc`
rustc-workspace-wrapper = "…" # run this wrapper instead of `rustc` for workspace members
rustdoc = "rustdoc" # the doc generator tool
target = "triple" # build for the target triple (ignored by `cargo install`)
target-dir = "target" # path of where to place all generated artifacts
rustflags = ["…", "…"] # custom flags to pass to all compiler invocations
rustdocflags = ["…", "…"] # custom flags to pass to rustdoc
incremental = true # whether or not to enable incremental compilation
dep-info-basedir = "…" # path for the base directory for targets in depfiles
pipelining = true # rustc pipelining
browser = "chromium" # browser to use with `cargo doc --open`,
# overrides the `BROWSER` environment variable
vcs = "none" # VCS to use ('git', 'hg', 'pijul', 'fossil', 'none')
debug = false # HTTP debugging
proxy = "host:port" # HTTP proxy in libcurl format
ssl-version = "tlsv1.3" # TLS version to use
ssl-version.max = "tlsv1.3" # maximum TLS version
ssl-version.min = "tlsv1.1" # minimum TLS version
timeout = 30 # timeout for each HTTP request, in seconds
low-speed-limit = 10 # network timeout threshold (bytes/sec)
cainfo = "cert.pem" # path to Certificate Authority (CA) bundle
check-revoke = true # check for SSL certificate revocation
multiplexing = true # HTTP/2 multiplexing
user-agent = "…" # the user-agent header
root = "/some/path" # `cargo install` destination directory
retry = 2 # network retries
git-fetch-with-cli = true # use the `git` executable for git operations
offline = false # do not access the network
[profile.<name>] # Modify profile settings via config.
opt-level = 0 # Optimization level.
debug = true # Include debug info.
split-debuginfo = '...' # Debug info splitting behavior.
debug-assertions = true # Enables debug assertions.
overflow-checks = true # Enables runtime integer overflow checks.
lto = false # Sets link-time optimization.
panic = 'unwind' # The panic strategy.
incremental = true # Incremental compilation.
codegen-units = 16 # Number of code generation units.
rpath = false # Sets the rpath linking option.
[profile.<name>.build-override] # Overrides build-script settings.
# Same keys for a normal profile.
[profile.<name>.package.<name>] # Override profile for a package.
# Same keys for a normal profile (minus `panic`, `lto`, and `rpath`).
[registries.<name>] # registries other than
index = "…" # URL of the registry index
token = "…" # authentication token for the registry
default = "…" # name of the default registry
token = "…" # authentication token for
[source.<name>] # source definition and replacement
replace-with = "…" # replace this source with the given named source
directory = "…" # path to a directory source
registry = "…" # URL to a registry source
local-registry = "…" # path to a local registry source
git = "…" # URL of a git repository source
branch = "…" # branch name for the git repository
tag = "…" # tag name for the git repository
rev = "…" # revision for the git repository
linker = "…" # linker to use
runner = "…" # wrapper to run executables
rustflags = ["…", "…"] # custom flags for `rustc`
runner = "…" # wrapper to run executables
rustflags = ["…", "…"] # custom flags for `rustc`
[target.<triple>.<links>] # `links` build script override
rustc-link-lib = ["foo"]
rustc-link-search = ["/path/to/foo"]
rustc-flags = ["-L", "/some/path"]
rustc-cfg = ['key="value"']
rustc-env = {key = "value"}
rustc-cdylib-link-arg = ["…"]
metadata_key1 = "value"
metadata_key2 = "value"
verbose = false # whether cargo provides verbose output
color = 'auto' # whether cargo colorizes output
progress.when = 'auto' # whether cargo shows progress bar
progress.width = 80 # width of progress bar